Midwife training
In appreciation of their help on our projects, The Mother Maryam Foundation donated money to the Khartoum Rotary Club to use as they preferred. They chose to use those funds to support their Midwife Training project.

Flood Aid
In August 2013, Mother Maryam Foundation assisted UK-based relief organization Shelterbox with in-country administrative support to deliver Shelterbox emergency housing units to flood-affected areas in Sudan. We also raised funds to assist flood victims in rebuilding their homes.
Aid to Gambian school
Mother Maryam Foundation helped collect funds for the elementary school in Kubuneh, Gambia. This project honors the memory of Sandra Temperley, who loved Kubuneh and its people.
Beekeeping study
Mother Maryam Foundation sponsored Pamela Gregory of Bees Abroad to visit the village in 2011 and conduct a feasibility study for a pilot beekeeping project.

Steve with the recipient of cataract surgery
Cataract surgery
In 2010, Mother Maryam Foundation, Rotary International, Rotary Club of Austin, South Austin Rotary Club, District 5870 provided funding for cataract surgeries in Khartoum and Zawrat village.
In 2007, Mother Maryam Foundation and Rotary Wheelchair Foundation delivered 281 wheelchairs to disabled people in Sudan. Plano West Rotary Club, Lost Boys of Sudan, Austin and Westlake Rotary Clubs, Rotary Wheelchair Foundation, Cheshire Homes, Rotary Club of Khartoum, and individuals supported this project.

Mother Maryam Foundation has provided seeds to farmers and women in Zawrat. Women were particularly interested in growing vegetables and flowers in their courtyards. Austin Rotarians, the Natural Gardener, Austin Sustainable Food Center, Moore Than Feed, and Botanical Interests contributed.
Baby blankets
Sandra Jones and Kathy Cartwright of Rotary Club of Austin organized knitters to make baby blankets. In 2005, we distributed them among families with new babies.

In 2005, George Lloyd of Century International provided us with two boxes of valuable medicines from CMMB, who provide medicine for distribution to the needy regardless of race, religion, or political persuasion. Local physicians provided them to patients in need.

Steve and Michele with headmaster under sign dedicating classroom to Leah Goetzel
Support to schools
In 2004, Cassis Elementary School student Leah Goetzel spearheaded a drive to collect backpacks and supplies for Kolomiseed Elementary School. Those supplies were shipped by SAFE (Dr. Lee Burchill’s Sudan-American Foundation for Education). Leah was honored by KVUE television station in 2004 as one of KVUE’s “Five Kids Who Care.”
Support to Students
Candace, Perry, and Zoe Hutchens and Dawn, Leah, and Mara Goetzel collected jackets and clothing for schoolchildren. In 2007, we distributed jackets to 50 boys and girls. In 2014, we sent jackets donated by the Junior League of Austin, surplus from the Coats for Kids program.

Solar panels
In 1996, John Hoffner, then of the City of Austin, provided solar panels for shipment to Zawrat to provide electricity for the community center.
Flood control
During years of high Nile flooding, when the village was threatened, we sent money for sandbags. In 2003, we raised money for the village to hire a bulldozer to build a protective dike.
Wind pump experiment
Stanley LeBague (from Magiglo Corporation) of Kent, England, designed a wind-powered irrigation pump. In 1995, he set up one of his pumps by the Nile in Kolomiseed to test its efficiency.